Monday, August 21

Embed Pdf and other documents in blogger

Embed Pdf and other documents in blogger

As a blogger there comes a time when it becomes necessary to add a Pdf or other documents like slides, Excel Spreadsheets , wordpad etc to share quick information with the visitors but as per now there is no support for uploading or adding these type of documents in blogger. As you are using blogger , You can always edit HTML codes of a post or a static page which makes it more easier to embed a document then uploading. Google Drive is the best option for uploading your documents and document uploaded to Google Drive can be easily embedded to blogger.

How to embed Pdf and other documents in blogger using Google Drive ?

Step1: Go to Google Drive and sign in with your google account.

Step2: Click on NEW > File Upload and upload your file to google drive.

Step3: Double tap uploaded file and choose Open in new window from the option menu on the right-top corner.

Step4: Now, Choose Embed item from the right-top corner menu and copy all the codes.

Step5: Paste these embed code where ever you want your document to appear. To use PDF or document in post/static pages switch to HTML from post editor top-left menu and paste these codes.