Vehicle owner info gives you helpful data about vehicle that could come in handy during road accidents and rash driving cases, before purchasing a second-hand vehicle or for law enforcement and investigation purposes. Vehicle details can also be important if you lost your documents related vehicle/vahan. You can find any detail of vehicle.
Vehicle details are also important, if your vehicle is stolen and you wants to claim. Vehcile information is mandatory if you don't have valid documents. You can find the vehicle details of any vehicle car/bike online using this portal. Vehicle registration details, Vahan owner information, Vahan rto information can be fetched for any state in India i.e. Maharashtra, Delhi, Rajasthan, Gujarat, etc.
How to Find Vehicle Owner Details by Registration Number
You see a vehicle rashly brush against someone on the road but flee the scene in fear of getting berated for it.
Even though you manage to note their registration number, you do not have any immediate recourse to know other details of the vehicle or the driver.
You eventually end up at your Regional Transport Office, go through mammoth documentation and bureaucratic procedure, after all of which you manage to find the details you were looking for.
Sounds familiar
What if we told you that there’s another way how to find vehicle owner details by registration number? That’s right. You can find it with VAHAN.
VAHAN is a national vehicle registry which was launched back in 2011 by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways in collaboration with the National Informatics Centre.
As per the official website of VAHAN, it holds data of more than 25 crore motor vehicles, in respect to their registration certificates.
As of March 2020, there is a total of 285,768,212 digitized vehicles on the Vahan website. This includes all vehicles registered in the country, such as cars, bikes, auto rickshaws, cabs, buses and more.
It was launched with the objective of collating all details related to motor vehicle registration certificates and driving licenses from the Regional Transport Offices (RTOs) and District Transport Offices (DTOs) across India.
As of 2019, it has collated these details from nearly 90% of such offices pan-India.
Check Report Offence Details
Steps :
- Enter the Registration Number
- Click on the ‘GO’ Button
- Your Check Report details will be displayed
- If any serious mistakes other than spelling mistakes is found or your vehcile details you should contact the concerned RT/Sub RT Office immediately for correction.
- Fill up additional requirements if any asked by the computer and click apply
- You will get an application Number and can take printout of full set of applications