Monday, February 21

Black-Listed Vehicles Clearence

Black-Listed Vehicles Clearence

The Parivahan Sewa Portal digitises the certification and processes for vehicle and license-related services. Anyone in India can access the Parivahan Sewa Portal and find out about their Driving License (DL), Vehicle Registration Certificate (RC), E-challan, etc.

The objective of the Parivahan Sewa Portal is to automate vehicle registration and DL related activities in the transport authorities in India and create national and state-level registers of vehicles or DL information.

The Ministry of Road Transport & Highways (MoRTH) has been facilitating computerization of over 1300+ Road Transport Offices (RTOs) across the country. RTOs issue Registration Certificate (R.C.) & Driving License (D.L.) that are mandatory requirements and are valid across the country, subject to certain provisions and permissions.

With wide variations in state policies and manual/ system based procedures being followed across the country, it had become necessary to define same standards for these documents on a pan-India level to ensure interoperability, correctness and timely availability of information. SCOSTA committee setup for this purpose had recommended a uniform standardized software across the country. 

The Ministry thus entrusted National Informatics Centre (N.I.C.) with the task of standardizing & deploying two softwares - VAHAN for Vehicle Registration and SARATHI for Driving Licenses and of compiling the data with respect to Vehicle Registration and Driving Licenses of all the states in State Register and National Register.The applications VAHAN & SARATHI were conceptualized to capture the functionalities as mandated by Central Motor Vehicle Act, 1988 as well as State motor vehicle Rules with customization in the core product to suit the requirements of 36 States and UTs.

Services Available on Parivahan Sewa Portal

  • Vehicle-related services like a renewal for fitness certificate, renewal of registration, online test/appointment for DL, etc
  • Driving license-related services like apply for DL, DL renewal, duplicate DL, etc
  • Paid NR (National Register) services
  • Fancy number booking
  • Check post-tax
  • Homologation
  • NR (National Register) services
  • AITP (All India Tourist Permit) authorisation
  • National permit authorisation
  • SLD (Speed Limiting Device) maker
  • CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) maker
  • VLTD (Vehicle Location Tracking Device) maker
  • PUCC (Pollution Under Control Certificate)
  • Trade certificate
  • Vehicle recall
  • Vahan green sewa

Check Vehicle Details or Services on Parivahan Sewa Portal

Anyone can view details of their vehicle and apply for its related service on the Parivahan Sewa Portal through the following manner:

  • Visit the Parivahan Sewa Portal.
  • Click on the ‘Online Service’ tab on the homepage and select the ‘Vehicle-Related Services’ option.
  • Select the state from the ‘Select State’ option drop-down list.
  • Click on the ‘Vehicle Registration Number’ option and enter the vehicle registration number, select the ‘State RTO’ from the drop-down list and click on the ‘Proceed’ button.

A list of services will appear from which a person can choose and avail the services related to his/her vehicle such as:

  • ‘Pay Tax’ for paying commercial vehicle MV tax
  • Apply for transfer of ownership
  • Change of address 
  • Hypothecation
  • Duplicate RC
  • Apply for fitness renewal/re-apply after fitness being failed
  • Application for no objection certificate
  • Duplicate fitness certificate
  • Renewal of registration
  • RC particulars
  • RC surrender, etc

Various services related to new/old driving licence or learner's licence like Appointment Booking, Duplicate driving licence, Application Status, Online test for learner's licence, etc.

Drivers/ Learners License - License registration on your fingertips
Driving School - One place for application of Driving School License
Online Test/ Appointment - Book/ Modify Online test appointments
Other Services - Explore the plethora of services related to Driving License